In simple terms, global warming refers to an overabundance of carbon dioxide, methane and ozone in our atmosphere. These gases and a few other atmospheric components are known as greenhouse gases. These gases trap heat and act like a blanket warming the earth. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally or at lower concentrations than currently observed and measured. Human activities contribute to the excess amounts of greenhouse gases present in our atmosphere and are expediting their dangerous effects on our environment.
- The emissions from the cars we drive
- The pollution emitted from factories used to make everyday items
- The power plants that produce non-renewable electricity for our every day lives
- The massive landfills overflowing with our garbage
- The conversion of forest land into pasture, urban or wasteland areas
All of these things that we rely on and typically take for granted are making the earth a less friendly environment for us... for our children.
Global Warming is not a question of if, but when? How long will it take for the effects of the excess carbon and other greenhouse gases to change the world we know today into something we wouldn't recognize? It is happening now and our actions today have an enormous effect on the answer to that question. Every decision, every purchase, every action you make will either help or hurt the future of life on our planet.
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