Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

Green Map Tour; Revealing The Green Side of Jakarta

Jakarta (04/07)- WWF-Indonesia together with Green Map, the network organization of green map activators in Indonesia, organized a green map tour, Saturday (04/07). The green tour was participated by tens of participants consisting of WWf Supporters and Fundraisers, WWF Staff, and Honorary Supporter Davina Hariadi. All participants explored Jakarta green sites by using public transportation, Trans Jakarta Bus.

First visited site was Setiabudi water reservoir. This reservoir processes domestic cesspool before it is channelled into the river (Banjir Barat canal/flood control canal) then flowed down to the ocean. In rain season, the reservoir plays an important role in controlling flood for several areas: Kuningan, Menteng, and Menteng Atas. Participants also had a chance to meet and have a discussion with the staff and observe pump controller room.

The tour continued by visiting Tangkuban Perahu Park. The park functions as water absorption area and habitat for 10 bird species. Moreover the park offers children playground, stony road for reflexology and theraphy. Tangkuban Perahu Park as one of RTH (Green Open Space) is ought to be preserved since Jakarta Green Open Space has been sinking sharply. Ideally every city needs to have RTH (Green Open Space) at least 30 % consisting of 20% public Green Open Space (government-owned) and the rest is private Green Open Space (private park, house, office, school, etc). But ironically, today, Jakarta has only 9% of Green Open Space. This condition still can be changed by urging Jakarta citizens creating private green space in their own houses just like what the couple Hari Yuwono and Sithowati Sandrarini has done.

This “environmentally-friendly” house located in a cul-de-sac within Tangkuban Perahu Park was the final visited site. The house has adopted “green building” concept since it was built in 2005, the concept that Jakarta Government has planned to adopt in 2010. This 450 square meter-house located in Tangkuban Perahun street Number 20, Guntur-Menteng, Central Jakarta was designed by architect Adi Purnomo. It won the 2006 Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) Award for Architectural Excellence by IAI’s Jakarta chapter.

The green concept been incorporated basically focuses on eliminating the need for air-conditioning, ensuring a steady supply of natural light, the use of natural material (used woods), unpainted wall, green wall (a wall of potted plants), fishpond, coral park, and green rooftops (intended to act as an additional green open space). “Green roof is made of asphalt, then coated with “ijuk” (palm fiber from the sugar palm), then overgrown with grass. According to our architect, that trick can lower indoor temperature 1 to 2 degrees, “ Sandra added.

The “green” house is expected to inspire all participants creating green roof, garden or other green space in their own houses. “After visiting Sandra’s house, we expect all participants will adopt the green building concept by creating green roof. This can be a great solution to overcome the lack of green space in Jakarta. At least 1000 hectares of green space is possibly provided by them,” stated green map tour guide Nirwono Joga.

Furthermore, all partcipants are expected to become agents of information spreading regarding Jakarta green sites and give recommendation to green map community about potential sites to be mapped (3 criteria need to be met are sustainable living, nature, and culture and society).

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